Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I am thankful today that I am here to celebrate Christmas with my family. We will gather later in the afternoon through tomorrow's Christmas eve service at our church with our daughters and their family, along with Brenda's dad J.C. We will eat, fellowship, exchange presents and have fun during this time. I thank all my family for all the encouragement and help during my recovery. I thank God for allowing me to continue with the rest of my life.

I am recovering nicely. I have one arm out of everything and it still is stiff and hurts. My other arm still has pins and bar on it. Will come off Jan. 5. The braces come off my mouth Jan. 7. I am really looking forward to getting this done. I can eat now. I cannot eat hard things. I haven't got many teeth. I have 2 partials. My jaws are still real sore. I look forward to the day they don't hurt. I still see double if I don't tilt my head back. That makes my neck tired. I will have to have an operation on my eye to correct this at a later date.

It sounds like I am complaining but I am not. I am so happy to be doing this good. When I think of how it could be now I cringe. I could be paralyzed neck down, waist down, brain damaged, blind and the list goes on. So I am lucky to be in this shape. God was not through with me. I love to sing. I sing in the choir and I sing solos. I am using the talent He gave me to sing Oh Holy Night during the Christmas Eve service at our church. That is one thing God uses me for and I am happy to do it for Him.

In closing I wish all who visit this blog a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May you feel the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in your life during this season and throughout the year. God Bless from our home to yours, Larry and Brenda (Grammy and Papa)