Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day after sergury

Surgery went really well. The people who attended me at Vanderbi*t were wonderful. I have no complaints of my care. They took two hours to lift and move outward my right eye to alignment. I can see straight ahead now. It is still blurred which is normal. I still have double vision when I look up, down, left and right but the dr. said we would have to wait a week or two to see if that corrects. If now I will have to have muscle surgery also. I am so thankful for the straight vision. I do not have to tilt my head to see anymore. I was very apprehensive about being put under again general so close to the other one where I saw weird things in my room. I thought the room and bed and covers were made of Lego blocks and the walls were red with moving lines in them. In the back of my mind I was afraid I would not wake up. So I had my preacher and best friend pray for peace about that. Many others were also including Brenda and I. Well to show you how powerful prayer is while I was waiting to get into surgery the anesthetist came into the room to talk to me. She left and some few minutes later she came back and said I remember you. I put you to sleep the first time you were hurt. Well the peace came immediately because I knew she was present when I was under 12 hours. So if you still don't believe in prayer I don't know how to convince you. That hospital is too large and so many people who put you under for that to be a coindense. That is my testimony of the day. I am doing well and am still thankful for all God has done for me this far. God Bless each who reads this message. I am enclosing a funny pix and a pix of me after surgery. One is a glove wrong side out filled with ice which I have to put on 40 min and off 20 min through tomorrow. I was eating supper and felt something funny on my face and it was a finger of the glove that had melted ice and and fell down. I still have a sense of humor. Papa

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Day Before

I am having surgery on my eye tomorrow at 11:30 AM. Please pray that it will be successful and my eyes line up so I can see clearly. My wife's dad J.C. is in the hospital for the last two days with heart failure. He is better and has to be on oxygen. He is 89 years old. She has to put him in rehab for a few days. Pray for her strength to take care of her dad and for her having to be with me tomorrow also. She is very tired now. We believe strongly in the power of prayer and lean on God for all things.

Our good friend just lost her husband who was only 39 to kidney failure and a stroke yesterday. He battled cancer and kidney failure for several years. He had beaten the cancer but all took such a toll on his body that it failed. He is in the arms of God today and that gives the family comfort. They do grieve for him. He left a wife, two boys and many other kin people. Please pray for his family. The funeral is Saturday. Thanks for all the support. Larry (Papa)