Thursday, October 16, 2008


From Papa and Grammy in Tennessee.

While Leslie, Charlie and Cindy were in China awaiting things to be done and things to
be worked out by God clearing the obstacles in their path, miracles were also happening in the USA. Grammy and Papa were in constant contact either by phone or email with them.

We knew things were not going as planned. We also were fearful for them. It is hard to have your loved ones so far away. We trusted God to watch over them while they were there. He did. Prayers were being circulated all over the USA and other countries. We know without a doubt he was answering them.

Let me tell you some things that were happening here in our country. First of all after we knew that things were very complicated. Leslie said we need help from our officials. We went into action with our local Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn’s office. A case worker named S. went into action for us. She wanted to know how she could help.

We told her Leslie needs help with many things I will not go into. I will share some of them with you readers. Les said she desperately need Susannah’s visa by a certain time. S. was in contact with many people to make that happen. It was not an easy thing to get accomplished. God worked that out at the exact time that it was needed. We know he uses people every day to accomplish His will. That mountain was removed and cast into the sea.

Another mountain Leslie needed removed was when they arrived in Chicago they need someone to take them through customs quickly because Susannah was very ill. She had just been on a sixteen hour flight from China and was on oxygen all that time. Her heart was very sick and her body was very oxygen deprived. S. went into action and contacted whoever needed to be called and when they arrived at O’Hara airport in Chicago someone met them and took them through customs immediately. They did not have to wait one minute. Another mountain cast into the sea.

One particular airline would not let them have oxygen on the plane from Chicago to Nashville so Charlie called me and asked if I could pick them up in Louisville, Ky. He was going to drive from Chicago to Louisville and be picked up there because no one would rent one way from there to home. Grammy was on the phone with another dear friend to our family and she said to her, Lisa and I are holding out for an airplane. There was dead silence on the other end. S.B. said I know someone who has an airplane. Let me call him. She did and called back and said he will fly up to Midway and pick them up and fly them to John Tune airport in Nashville. We called Les and Charlie in the middle of the night in China and told them about this miracle. Les was a little reluctant to get on a single engine airplane but Charlie got on the phone and said I think she is still asleep and not thinking clearly I will make that decision, we will take that offer. Another mountain cast into the sea.

That was worked out with the pilot B.S. that God had sent to our family. We firmly believe that. The next hurtle was that she had to have oxygen on that little plane for the two hour flight to Nashville.

The next miracle. A prescription had been written for the oxygen by Dr. L. from Vanderbilt. I took it to a place after calling and confirming that they had an oxygen generator. I immediately went to pick it up for I had to get it to B.S. by noon. I got there about nine AM. I was doing well until she came out and said we thought we had one but we do not. We have one in Springfield. My heart sunk and I said God please not another mountain to climb. We do not need this one. So I said I will go and pick it up, I have to have it by noon. She said well there is no one there right now. They were desperately trying to figure out what to do for me. During all the conversations another lady in the office over heard the conversation and said, oh I have one of those in my trunk. Can you believe that? I said Praise God, and another mountain was cast into the sea. I felt so relieved. I got the device and took it to the house of the pilot. He took it and flew to Midway airport while our family was being driven to Midway. Oh I forgot our other son-in-law got a limo and had them picked up at O’Hara and drove to Midway. Leslie, Charlie and Susannah and our pilot arrived at the same time at Midway, coming from two directions, another mountain cast into the sea. This man who flew to pick up strangers who he did not know sacrificed something scheduled that night for his child which he missed. That is true love for others that only God can instill in people.

In closing, I just wanted to let the readers know what miracles and mountains were being moved in Tennessee by God's helpers. I did not always buy into God intervening into situations. I have no doubt that GOD orchestrated everything that happened from September 11 to the arrival at their home at 8:30 PM that night to a yard full of friends who had been waiting a long time to welcome them home.

Papa and Grammy


Jenn said...

Grammy you made me cry! Hey there, I'm Leslie's friend Jenn. I also have a daughter adopted from China with the same SNs as Susannah. Abby Grace came home in April and has undergone 1 heart surgery, her palate repair and on election day she'll have her lip surgery. Leslie and I have talked often. It has been great for both of us to connect with someone going through such similar things. You raised a wonderful daughter! She is very lucky to have such wonderful parents and the kids are lucky to have such great grandparents.
I hope you are feeling better and I look forward to your updates:)

Tisra said...

I have been captivate by Susannah's "story" because God is moving mountains in my heart for a special needs child. We've been waiting for a referral from Taiwan for 17 months and I do not know what the future will hold, but I do know that through your family and a few others, the Lord is accomplishing His will for our family and the child we will one day bring home. I thank God for your miracles, and continue to pray for more of them as you all adjust to the new "normal" of this sweet child being a part of the family.

Verlyn said...

I'm also a grandmother of a special needs girl from China, and will soon have a special needs boy join our family. I can't imagine what you all went through -- how our hearts hurt when our children are hurting! I followed Susannah's story and prayer for her and had my friends pray for her. What a powerful God we have - thank you for sharing how God moved mountains in the U.S. to meet every need.

Julie said...

I am the mom of three...a bio son age 7, a China princess age 2.5 and an angel son born to heaven 7/15/06 (while we wait for our daughter). I was captavated by Susannah's story from the second it was brought to my attention to pray. I found it amazing how many mountains have been moved to secure this little girl's future.

I am praising God with you today and I continue to pray for little Susannah and her family...that God protect and keep you all in his grasp.

Happy Grandparenting!

Julie in MD

Sharon said...

AWESOME to read!!! I am Jenn's friend (also brought home our son in April who was crib mates with Abby Grace, he has a cl/cp which has been repaired) and now a friend of Leslie's. I loved the idea that while we were praying throughout the day here it was night for Leslie and Charlie in China. It is so great to hear of the many mountains that were moved here also and the many people that helped!
THANK YOU for being the kind of parents that you are. My parents went with us to China and we will forever be grateful to them for all their sacrifices and the precious time we had with them!

DiJo said...

This continues to be the most amazing journey to read about. What a blessing it was, and is, to pray for your precious granddaughter and your family. Hearing the details of what went on behind the scenes in TN and IL are so awesome. Thank you for sharing your testimony of God's ability to move mountains! What special Grandparents you are. I know how Susannah has touched my life. I can't even begin to imagine how she has melted your hearts!
Thank you for sharing!
Diana (Eden Prairie, MN & and AWAA Mom)

Just Me said...

What an incredible story. I got chills!