Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A year ago today

One year ago today I fell on the driveway behind my house on my face and hands. I broke all the face bones but two and broke my nose, ribs and both wrists. I was in Vanderbilt hospital for 10 days. I was almost killed. I am very thankful for my recovery. I am left with some debilitating injuries but I can manage them. I had 4 surgery's to repair the injuries. My face isn't much different as far as looks but it is numb and very sensitive at the same time if that makes sense. My jaws hurt some and so do my wrists but "I can do all things through God who strengthens me." I do believe that and that is why I did not die that day. God had more for me to do. I think he wanted me to tell others about Him and how He saved me that day from death. I know I would have died if I had hit a little different. I fell 15 feet on concrete. The Lord was watching out for me that day. For those who read this who didn't know I had a 16 foot ladder on a table about 30 inches tall and was up on it to the top and it slipped. I am not that stupid as to do a foolish thing but I had a 5 minute job and cut corners. I paid the price. If you want to cut corners and do things unsafe think of me and how your life can change in two seconds. That is how long it was until I was on my face. Don't do it. I think I have helped many people who think of me when they start to do dangerous jobs. I know some people at my church has told me that. I am glad I have been an encouragement to others. Remember God has a plan for all of our lives, we only have to ask and he will reveal it to you. Lean on God and Jesus and they will guide you through life. God bless those who read this and to those who have encouraged me through the first few weeks of my accident. I am greatful. Larry Darnell

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